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A partnership program between Walla Walla Public Schools and homeschooling families.

Providing a variety of academic and enrichment activities to support homeschooling parents of K-6 students.

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Walla Walla Public Schools Homelink program supports homeschooling families through classes, curricula, equipment, and testing. Parents remain the primary instructional provider, with Homelink teachers providing guidance and support.

News & Events

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Featured Tools & Information

Peachjar School Flyers

Peachjar’s platform streamlines school-to-home communication by distributing valuable school and community resources directly to families as digital flyers.

Skyward Family/Student Access

Access student grades, class schedules, attendance, and more.

Volunteer In Person (VIP)

VIP is an easy way to get involved in your local schools! Access our easy-to-use online volunteer management system.

Hazel Health

Free mental health services where students have virtual access to a licensed therapist from school or at home.

Anonymous Tip Reporting

Anonymously report bullying, harassment, threats of violence, suicide, drugs, vandalism, weapons, and other safety concerns.

School Closures & Delays

Safety is the primary factor for delaying or canceling school due to inclement weather. Find the most up-to-date closure information here.

Health and Safety Information

Information for schools, students, and families to learn more about safety topics.